A Discussion on Multiple Offers at the Salt Lake Board of Realtors, Part 1 of 2

Here is Part 1 of an interesting discussion between members of a Salt Lake Board of Realtors panel and Shane Norris of the UAR forms committee discussing how to navigate multiple offers.

I think this should help clarify why every buyer and seller needs to use a real estate professional to bring the transaction to closing, especially now, while the market is so tight.


The SL Board panel is joined by Shane Norris from the UAR Forms Committee to discuss how to navigate multiple offers including escalation clauses, multiple offer disclosure forms and other pit-falls for buyers and sellers to avoid.

  • Alicia Holdaway, Past President
  • Steve Perry, President-Elect Salt Lake Board
  • Jennifer Gilchrist, Director Salt Lake Board
  • Shane Norris, UAR Forms Committee, Chair PC Board Forms Committee

Author: Geoffrey Fitzwilliam

Began his woodworking career as a philosophy student at Rutgers University. In 1974 he moved to Salt Lake City to attend the internationally acclaimed Violin-Making School of America. Although he still builds the occasional violin, his real passion lies with the study of furniture design and construction. And while his craft remains grounded in the time-honored tradition of the luthier and his personal style is firmly rooted in the Arts and Crafts movement, he has also worked for well-known avant garde furniture-makers Wendell Castle and Michael Fortune. He now works as a Real Estate Agent/Guide for Coldwell Banker Realty in their Sugar House Office

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